• PRS SE Exotic LTD Editions

    Pop in and check out the new limited run PRS SE Exotic Wood range, featuring some beautifully figured tops.

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  • Atkin Guitars

    Expertly crafted guitars built right here in Kent by a small team that have perfected the art of boutique guitar building.

    See our available stock 

Maybach have arrived!

We're proud to be teaming up with Maybach Guitars to bring you some truly amazing boutique instruments. From the beautiful attention to the detail in ageing to the excellent addition of CreamT pickups in some of their guitars, Maybach are offering phenomenal levels of quality packed into lightweight guitars that are perfect for the gigging musician.

See our Maybach Stock
  • Pre-Owned Guitars

    We stock a wide variety of pre-owned guitars. Everything from quality starter guitars to premium and vintage instruments from the biggest brands in the world like Fender, Gibson, Ibanez and PRS.

    Pre-Owned Guitars 
  • The Workshop

    Anything from a simple restring to a full refinish, we can make your guitar just the way you've always wanted it. Setups, pickup swaps, crazy killswitches and other wiring mods, it's all on the table.

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  • We Buy Your Guitars

    Do you have guitars you don't play any more? Perhaps you'd like to trade them in for something else you really want? We can do part-ex deals or cash for your pre-owned guitars.

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